Hello, Friend Welcome to “thegpscojas” website. As you can identify by name, the main purpose of our website is to help with GPSC exam. We will endeavor to reach out to you all the things related to GPSC exam through this website. Through this website, we will provide you with all types of GPSC Related materials Exam Time Table, Exam Date, Syllabus of Examination, and other notifications.
Apart from this, those who are preparing for other examinations related to Gujarat Government will also find this website very helpful.
Through this article, we will share with you the information regarding GPSC 2020 Exam Pattern and syllabus and try to explain it to you as easily as possible. In this article we will cover the following topics:
- GPSC Exam Pattern
- GPSC Exam Syllabus
GPSC Exam Pattern
The GPSC exam is conducted mainly in three sections.
- Preliminary Exam
- Main Exam
- Interview
Primary exam
The primary exam consists of two different papers. Both papers are taken objectively and the syllabus of both papers is also different. Both papers are 200 marks. And for each paper 2 hours is given. You can see the table and photo below for more detail.
Exam Types | Name Of Paper | Time Duration | Marks |
Objective | General Studies 1 | 2 Hrs | 200 |
Objective | General Studies 2 | 2 Hrs | 200 |

The main exam
This exam is taken descriptively. It takes six different papers and each paper is a total of 150 marks. The following table will be helpful to you for more information on this.
Exam Types | Name Of Paper | Time Duration | Marks |
Descriptive | Gujarati | 3 Hrs | 150 |
Descriptive | English | 3 Hrs | 150 |
Descriptive | Essay | 3 Hrs | 150 |
Descriptive | General Studies 1 | 3 Hrs | 150 |
Descriptive | General Studies 2 | 3 Hrs | 150 |
Descriptive | General Studies 3 | 3 Hrs | 150 |

In this, your personality is tested. Whose total score is 100 and is counted in the main merit. The only candidate can give this exam who qualifies from the main exam.
The total merit list is made up of 1000 marks (900 main exams + 100 interviews).
If you have any questions regarding the GPSC Syllabus or GPSC Exam Pattern, you can contact us by commenting below the article.
Exam Syllabus is very important to clear any exam. In the context of GPSC, the priority of the Exam syllabus even more important. Understanding the Exam Syllabus can help the examiner to evaluate themselves.
GPSC Preliminary Exam 1 syllabus
GPSC Exam: The following subjects are important in the Primary Exam 1 syllabus.
- History
- Cultural heritage
- Indian state system
- Constitution
- Social justice
- International Relations
- General intellectual ability
GPSC Preliminary Exam 2 syllabus
GPSC Exam: The following subjects are of major importance in the Primary Exam 2 syllabus.
- Indian Economy and Planning
- Geography
- Science and Technology
- Current Affairs
GPSC Main Exam Syllabus
The GPSC main exam is conducted mainly on six different topics. Each paper contains 150 marks.
Essay (250 words)
Vichar Vistar(100 words)
Prose Review
speeches(150 word)
Article(100 words)
Letter Writing
Discussion(150 word)
Application (150 words)
Report(150 words)
Communication skills (writing between two people)
Translate From English
Gujarati Grammar
01.ESSAY (A minimum of 200 words and a maximum of 250
Choose any one topic from a list of five. (Descriptive/
analytical/ philosophical/based on Current Affairs)
02 LETTER WRITING (in about 100 words):
A formal letter expressing one’s opinion about an issue.
The issues can deal with daily office matters/ a problem
that has occurred in the office/ an opinion in response to
One sought by a ranked officer etc.
03 PRESS RELEASE/ APPEAL (in about 100 words):
The PR or appeal should be on an issue pertaining to a
Recent concern/problem/disaster/rumors etc.
04 REPORT WRITING (in about 150 words):
A report on an official function/event/field trip/survey etc.
A report on a graph/image/ flow chart/table of comparison/
Simple statistical data etc.
06 FORMAL SPEECH (in about 150 words):
A speech (in a formal style) that is to be read out in a
Formal function. This could be an inauguration speech, an
educational seminar/conference, a formal ceremony of
Importance etc.
A precis in about 100 words for a 300-word passage.
A reading passage of about 250 words to be given followed
by 05 Multiple-choice questions and 10 short-answer type
Multiple choice questions set from the following list:
a. Tenses
b. Voice
c. Narration (Direct-Indirect)
d. Transformation of sentences
e. Use of Articles and Determiners
f. Use of Prepositions
g. Use of Phrasal verbs
h. Use of idiomatic expressions
i. Administrative Glossary
j. Synonyms/Antonyms
k. One-word substitution
l. Cohesive devices/Connectives/Linker
m. Affixes
n. Words that cause confusion like
Translation of a short passage (of about 150 words) from
Gujarati to English.
Current Issue
Social and Political Issue
Social And Economic Issue
Social And Environmental Issue
Cultural And Historical Topic
Public Awareness
Contemplative issue
Indian History
Cultural Heritage
- Indian state system and constitution
- Rule And Public Administration
- Ethics in the Public Service
- Science And Tecnology
- Indian Economy and Planning
- Current Events of Regional, National and International Importance.
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